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Christian Living and Christian Resources

Can I keep on sinning as a Christian?

Can I hang around non-Christians or date non-Christians?

How far is too far in a relationship? Living together?

Is Jesus coming back soon? What about future events?

What is "taking the Lord's name in vain?"

Are women allowed to be pastors?

Is it a sin to study non-Christian relgious documents?

Understanding how to read and study and apply your Bible

What about Baptism? Who?, How?, Why?
More on Baptism (Part 2)

Are there degrees of sin? Are lying and murder the same?

Christians: real or counterfeit. Saved forever?

Contemporary Christian Music (CCM), right or wrong?

Should Christians get tattoos or body piercings?

Should Christians drink alcohol? Did Jesus?
Expanded alcohol article addressing further objections

Are Christians supposed to tithe? Feel guilty for not?
Detailed book on tithing and giving

Spiritual gifts test. What are spiritual gifts?

Church government: Elders, deacons, pastors?

Christians shouldn't be judging others... right?

Can you recognize a false teacher or leader?

Three root enemies of all believers.

Can you be bought? What's your price?

The world needs people who...

What is worship? How should we worship?

Is a lie always a lie? Aren't some lies acceptable?

Signs and wonders, miracle workers, modern prophets?

Doesn't the Bible forbid charging interest?

Are there sexual activities in marriage that wrong?

Should Christians celebrate birthdays?

Expel unrepentant people from the church?

Should churches have Sunday evening services?

Why do Christians say and pray "Amen"?

Biblically speaking, what is gossip?

God's authority structure? Women's role in church.

Marriage, divorce, and remarriage.

Who, when, why of the Eucharist or Lord's Supper

Is bartering or haggling over prices Biblical?

Must believers keep a Saturday or Sunday Sabbath?

Is anointing with oil necessary for healing?

Can I know for sure? Assurance of Salvation.

What is sanctification? Can we be perfect or holy?

Is the church to withdraw from the world?

How should we worship God: Regulative Principle.

Gifts of the Spirit? Must everyone speak in tongues?

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